Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stop thinking and Start doing

Para de pensar y empieza a hacer…

I made the decision to write in this blog and get something out every Thursday.  So if this sucks today, then read the title! lol… I just put the fingers to the letters.

I recently suffered a mini depression. I slept A LOT! Procrastinated even more, watching hours of senseless television, day drinking and partaking.  Not being able to sleep at night because I had wasted my days, gone to work at the bar, and then spent the late night criticizing myself, feeling bad, making excuses, and then making false promises to myself to wake up and "get it done" tomorrow.  But, it was a vicious down cycle day after day. Luckily, I was able to recognize it really early this time, 2 weeks. The faster I can recognize something is wrong, the faster I can feel better.

After so many years of being afraid of my depression, I am finally feeling the strength to fight back.  Gonna keep going in this direction.  Up and up.

Practice my keyboard, train capoeira, make and sell creations, love those around me and in my life, dance, play, and work hard!

The sun shines beautifully in Southern California and I am lucky to wake up almost every morning to that!

Until next time, be good.